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Technology-enabled student equity and inclusion

May 26 2025, 14:25 - 15:05 (AWST)

Bold vision statements such as “Every student should have the same digital experience, access and opportunities regardless of their background, location or circumstances” are often ideals to aspire to and work towards. Not at UWA. Over the last three years, the university has completely revolutionised the way students and staff engage with their work, removing barriers to a seamless digital experience, and levelling the playing field for digital access.

Driven by equity and powered by technology, UWA took a holistic and inclusive approach to the student experience to create a sustainable, collaborative and creative environment for students and staff. With the pandemic as a catalyst for change, and the support of its technology partners, the UWA IT team rolled out a comprehensive “big bang” digital transformation.

As a result, its students can now access their lectures and course software anytime, from any location and on any device. The UniApps portal allows students to better engage with their studies, alongside employment and family commitments, increasing their chances of success. This was complemented by replacing the static and under-used desktops with loanable laptops and a formal BYOD program, over 200 hybrid teaching spaces equipped with cameras and Teams for livestreaming classes, as well as a full upgrade of the wifi network across the campus.

In this session, Nick Johnson, AppsAnywhere CEO has a “fireside” chat with Jamie Graham, Associate Director Infrastructure and Platforms at UWA. They reveal how the university worked with its technology partners to create a seamless digital experience for students and staff, equity and belonging, and set a sustainable foundation for future growth. It will explore the key benefits realised by this ambitious digital transformation program, including increased accessibility, seamless digital experience, digital equity, flexible and hybrid learning spaces and fair opportunities for all students.

Participants will discover the true cost and benefits of transforming the student experience versus maintaining status quo, and will learn how a bold vision, agility and perseverance can pay off both in the short and long term.